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LRG Boston Real Estate Blog

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Archive for the ‘Music and Real Estate’ Category

2010 Winter Olympics Kicks Off With Tragedy – K.D. Lang Sings Tribute

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Tonight marked the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver British Columbia. A city that has been described by some as one of the most livable cities in the world.

An evening that was supposed to be a festive celebration took on a somber mood as the Republic of Georgia lost one of its young athletes. Twenty one year old Nodar Kumaritashvili (1988-2010) tragically lost his life on a trial run at what is widely known as the worlds fastest and most dangerous luge tracks at Whistler Mountain. As the athletes were visibly shaken, K.D. Lang sang Hallelujah.  Her singing came from the heart and may go down as one of the best performances in Olympic opening ceremony history.  It moved the audience and the 100′s of millions of people around the World that had the privilege of witnessing the historic event.  Although the song was part of the original plan, it certainly took on different meaning  in light of today’s tragedy.

Art, Music and Real Estate – Simon and Garfunkel

Saturday, January 23rd, 2010

At Luxury Residential Group we have a deep appreciation for the arts.  As a matter of fact, in our office space on Boylston Street, we hang artwork from The Artana Gallery.  We also have a passion for timeless music.  Music that stays with us from generation to generation. Moving forward, we will be featuring music and artwork on our blog as we feel it goes hand and hand with Real Estate and your Home.

Art – Fills your home with color.  Each painting tells a story from one persons perspective .

Music – Brings sound and energy to your home.  Both of which we feel are necessary components for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Now

Simon and Garfunkel Now

The first work that we would like to share with you is a performance by Simon and Garfunkel from Madison Square Garden this past Fall(2009).  The song is called The Boxer.  Pushing their 70′s in age, Simon and Garfunkel’s music has stood the test of time. Although their voices have matured, they sound even better in this performance than they did in the 60′s and 70′s. There is something about their passion and lyrics that send chills down most peoples spines. Enjoy!!



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The Penthouse at Millennium Place Midtown Boston, $25,000
The Penthouse at Millennium Place
Midtown Boston, $25,000
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