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Archive for the ‘Art’ Category

Why Did I Decide to Live in The South End – By Craig Anne Lake

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

Craig Anne Lake

Craig Anne Lake, tells us why she decided to live in the South End of Boston, MA.

It was funny to me that when talking to a client recently about the South End (he was about 50 years old and went to school at BU back in the day), he was astounded that I lived there.  His perception of the South End was that it was crime ridden, dangerous, and seedy, which at this point couldn’t be farther from the truth.  When I drove him down Tremont – he was in utter shock at how nice the neighborhood was, and said he could not believe the turnaround.

The South End has become a mecca for young urban professionals, but also boasts diversity.  It is known to be a very gay friendly area, and let’s face it – gay men have great taste!

Having lived in NYC for 8 years, I love being able to walk out my doorstep to grab a cup of coffee at Starbucks on Tremont St. or at The Buttery on Shawmut Ave. as well as numerous restaurants.  In addition, I like the mix of gentrification and unique boutiques and love the artsy feel of the area.

When asked what my favorite bars and restaurants are in Boston, they are mostly located right in the South End:  Masa, Union, Stella’s, Toro, B&G Oysters, The Beehive, Noche, Picco’s, The Buttery, Stephy’s on Tremont (the little sister restaurant to Boston’s Newbury St. staple Stephanie’s), and more.  In addition, $2 Taco Tuesdays at 647 Tremont is a favorite of mine (although, it sometimes also turns into Tequila Tuesday, which makes for a somewhat difficult Wednesday)!  Regardless, the South End is a great place to socialize.  (More on all of these restaurants in a Blog to come).

Moreover, I find the people in the neighborhood to be, well, neighborly.  We have stoop parties (one got so big the police came and broke it up).  I moved to the South End in April, and I already have neighbors that would water my plants for me while I am away. I feel fortunate to have amazing neighbors all of different ages – some just married, some married with kids in college, some single, and so forth.

The South End has become one of the trendiest areas of Boston.  It is a fantastic neighborhood to live in, but there are parts that are still up and coming.  The area around Tremont and Mass Ave. is really developing as demonstrated by the new Parish Café that has opened (a favorite spot for many at the Boylston St. location right next door to my office).

Don’t be fooled by the “Checks Cashed Here” place, this part of the South End is the place to buy a condo, where in years people will be shocked at how amazingly nice the area has become.

Another hot up and coming area that is developing quickly is SoWa (South of Washington St.).  New condos and lofts are going up left and right.  It’s where BSC is located along with restaurants like Myer’s and Changs, Toro, and Gaslight. 

These are the areas that in 5-10 years people will be asking themselves why they didn’t purchase when that Craig Anne Lake told them to do so.   For now, as a renter, I am definitely keeping my eye open for great opportunities, and I am ecstatic to live in what I think is the best neighborhood in Boston!

“Poetry of Space”- Nine New York City Artists Present New Work

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Currently on View at Luxury Residential Group located at 355 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 next to the new Arlington Greenline T Station:

“Poetry of Space”- Nine New York City Artists Present New Work



James Adelman, Dina Brodsky, Maya Brodsky, Michelle Doll, Ke Feng*, Caitlin Hurd, Karl Koett, Tun Myaing, Jason Talley*

Through March 19th
Preview the show ——->Here<——

This month Artana treats Boston to new work by nine upcoming NYC artists. To learn more about the show or the artists participating in this special event, please contact Artana’s Director Heather Roy for a private showing or group gallery tour.

“Poetry of Space” suggests art that evokes an aesthetic and emotive response while transcending the narrower limits of the traditional framed image. The nine artists exhibiting in “Poetry of Space” move beyond their rigorous and broadly classical apprenticeship in creating work that shows both freshness and evolution.

We have attempted to provide significant breadth and contrast in the pictures exhibited. Michelle Doll’s figures reflect sensual warmth and communicate the beauty of life in unexpectedly pensive scenes while in Jason Talley’s portraits one can sense both the erotic and the emotional. By way of contrast Karl Koett demonstrates an ability to capture nineteenth-century solidity and earthiness, elements far removed from the whimsicality of Caitlin Hurd’s animals in flight. In a further contrast, James Adelman’s methodically detailed portraits are Presque vu on canvass, leaving the viewer on the brink of recognition, wishing desperately to have the darkened scene thrown into light. Maya Brodsky’s paintings play on the mind’s struggle to define time, while Dina Brodsky’s work reconciles the simultaneous presence of textures, tones, and colors of the past in a distinctly contemporary form. Tun Myaing has captured his models in motion at a point in time, but the streaks running from the canvas edge intimate that motion and time continue. Finally, Ke Feng’s works are made from an algorithm of the artist’s creation, translating the late 16th century Chinese text of Journey to the West into ethereal landscapes.



The pleasure of poetry lies in ever-changing voices and themes operating within flexible boundaries; the reward of this exhibition is, we hope, different creative energies working both within and beyond standard space, engaging the viewer as poetry engages the listener. The effect of “Poetry of Space” is the visitor’s moment of discovery as the exhibited works show him how his mind unconsciously understands time, space, and memory together as a single faculty. —Peter Skinner

Artana encourages home or office art consultations. For a complimentary private appointment, please contact Artana’s Director Heather Roy at 617-879-3111.

Featured Listing
88 Kingston #7C, Boston, MA Midtown Boston, $1,100,000
88 Kingston #7C, Boston, MA
Midtown Boston, $1,100,000
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