LRG: Luxury Residential Group
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Redefining Boston Real Estate

LRG Boston Real Estate Blog

Boston luxury real estate as it happens

The Clarendon Boston Going All Rental Rumor is COMPLETELY UNTRUE

Clarendon Living Room

Clarendon Living Room

At Luxury Residential Group, we think it is essential that our clients are in the know when it comes to rumors regarding luxury buildings they may be thinking about purchasing in.  The latest rumor was involving The Clarendon, a new luxury high rise condo development in the heart of the Back Bay and steps to The South End in Boston. It was rumored that the property was going to be sold and made into an all rental project.  Through our sources, we have confirmed that this rumor is unequivically UNTRUE.  Construction and closings are moving along as scheduled (First quarter 2010) and buyers should have confidence moving forward. Should anything change, which we do not anticipate happening, our readers will be the first to know.

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