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Redefining Boston Real Estate

LRG Boston Real Estate Blog

Boston luxury real estate as it happens

2010 Winter Olympics Kicks Off With Tragedy – K.D. Lang Sings Tribute

February 13th, 2010

Tonight marked the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver British Columbia. A city that has been described by some as one of the most livable cities in the world.

An evening that was supposed to be a festive celebration took on a somber mood as the Republic of Georgia lost one of its young athletes. Twenty one year old Nodar Kumaritashvili (1988-2010) tragically lost his life on a trial run at what is widely known as the worlds fastest and most dangerous luge tracks at Whistler Mountain. As the athletes were visibly shaken, K.D. Lang sang Hallelujah.  Her singing came from the heart and may go down as one of the best performances in Olympic opening ceremony history.  It moved the audience and the 100′s of millions of people around the World that had the privilege of witnessing the historic event.  Although the song was part of the original plan, it certainly took on different meaning  in light of today’s tragedy.

20 Brimmer Street – Beacon Hill Goes To Auction

February 3rd, 2010

With the economy fluttering, high end residential real estate auctions are quickly becoming a developers and banks best friend.  The latest, and maybe the most exciting auction to date is a pristine, new construction, luxury townhome on the Flat of Beacon Hill, 20 Brimmer Street. What was once $8.5 million, this 5,700 square foot,  new construction home is now $6.99 million and going to auction with a reserve/min. bid of $4.995 million. This is an exciting opportunity to scoop up a prime, turnkey piece of luxury real estate at a very very reasonable price in a highly desirable location in Boston.

*Luxury Residential Group represents buyers at this and other auctions around the city at no cost to you. Please feel free to contact us to discuss this opportunity at 20 Brimmer St. and set up a private tour. (617) 233-5800, please ask for Joshua Golden.

20 Brimmer Exterior

20 Brimmer Exterior









Family Room

Family Room

Dining Room

Dining Room

Art, Music and Real Estate – Simon and Garfunkel

January 23rd, 2010

At Luxury Residential Group we have a deep appreciation for the arts.  As a matter of fact, in our office space on Boylston Street, we hang artwork from The Artana Gallery.  We also have a passion for timeless music.  Music that stays with us from generation to generation. Moving forward, we will be featuring music and artwork on our blog as we feel it goes hand and hand with Real Estate and your Home.

Art – Fills your home with color.  Each painting tells a story from one persons perspective .

Music – Brings sound and energy to your home.  Both of which we feel are necessary components for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Then

Simon and Garfunkel Now

Simon and Garfunkel Now

The first work that we would like to share with you is a performance by Simon and Garfunkel from Madison Square Garden this past Fall(2009).  The song is called The Boxer.  Pushing their 70′s in age, Simon and Garfunkel’s music has stood the test of time. Although their voices have matured, they sound even better in this performance than they did in the 60′s and 70′s. There is something about their passion and lyrics that send chills down most peoples spines. Enjoy!!



LRG’s Finest Homes Showcase – 1/23/10

January 23rd, 2010

By Luxury Residential Group

We thought it would be both exciting and fun to start sharing Luxury Residential Group’s picks for the nicest luxury homes currently for sale in Massachusetts.

15 Merrill St, Hingham, MA – $7,900,000

Absolutely stunning home on the water in Hingham, MA. To preview the listing please click here.

15 Merrill - From Water

15 Merrill - From Water

Master Bedroom View

Master Bedroom View

Sauna and Pool Bathroom

Sauna and Pool Bathroom

Game Room

Game Room

Living Room

Living Room

Four Car Garage

Four Car Garage

Reading Room

Reading Room

Infinity Swimming Pool

Infinity Swimming Pool

Wine Cellar

Wine Cellar

*Please note, not all the properties we feature here are Luxury Residential Group’s exclusive sales listings. However we do specialize in buyer representation at no cost to you and would be more than happy to arrange a tour at your convenience.

FHA Changes In The New Year

January 20th, 2010

LogoSome interesting news from the FHA this week. With the increased popularity of FHA in the absence of other alternative products (they now insure 30% of all new loans) FHA is nearing the limits of loans they can make based on their capital ratio. To address this problem FHA will be raising their upfront mortgage insurance premium fees from 1.75% to 2.25%. They have also requested approval to increase their monthly fees.

On a positive note they have lifted their 90 day seasoning rule for sellers. This takes effect Feb 1st for a period of one year. All transactions must be arms-length. If the sales price is 20% or more than the acquisition cost, the lender will require a second appraisal.

Some more good news, which we feel is very important to note and directly impacts our clients, is the FHA has reduced the pre sale requirement for new condo developments to 30%. With developers struggling to move their new projects, this news will provide a big boost.

For questions or more information please call our mortgage specialist Jesse Kenner at 401-644-4066. He can also help you get your new development or condo conversion FHA approved.

Google Versus The Chinese Government – Winds of Change?

January 15th, 2010

, risking billions of dollars in revenue, has threatened to pull their popular search engine out of China if  the Government continues to sensor its content and search results. No other company in the world has the same impact or power over commerce and business as Google.  The Chinese Government has told Google that if they are going to operate in China, they MUST play by their rules.  This means they cannot show search results that contain human rights terms, critical political views, religious propaganda or pornographic material.  The company has agreed to follow these strict guidelines for the last few years but things may be about to change. Recently, two Chinese human rights activists Gmail accounts were hacked by highly sophisticated means. Google has taken exception to this and without directly blaming the Chinese Government for the breach, they have told them that they would pull out of China if they continued this kind of behavior and censorship.  At the Google headquarters, Chinese citizens left flowers and notes in admiration of Google’s stand.  A civil uprising is beginning to take shape in the country and its momentum may force the Government to ease its stand.


Luxury Residential Group’s Thoughts:

We applause Google for putting their core principals ahead of their bottom line.  It may be one of the most refreshing, and forever lasting events of our time.  Nothing, throughout history, has been able to force change in China until now. Who would have thunk that Google, an American company, would be able to accomplish something  that no other Government or Human Rights Group could.  We feel that Google will prevail in the end, stay in China and put a huge dent in the Governments stand on censorship.

What does this have to do with Real Estate?

It highlights the fact that no matter how much money is at stake, or how far two parties are apart in a negotiation(could be $500 on a $5 million dollar transaction), one should NEVER challenge or question another’s core principals. It will undoubtedly end all negotiations and profitable relationships moving forward.

Boston Properties Edward Linde Passes Away at 68 Years Old

January 12th, 2010
Edward Linde - Boston Properties

Edward Linde - Boston Properties

It was reported today, 1/11/2010, by the Boston Globe and Boston Properties that Edward Linde has passed away due to complications related to pneumonia. Linde was not only known for his role in building one of the countries largest, most successful commercial real estate companies, but more importantly, his donations to the arts community($25 million to the Museum of Fine Arts) as  well as local Boston Hospitals.

Our sympathies and prayers go out to the Linde family.

What is The Role of An Attorney When Buying A Condo?

January 9th, 2010

By Steven Ceprano – Boston Real Estate Attorney

Steven Ceprano - Summers and Summers LLP

Steven Ceprano - Summers and Summers LLP

We had Steven Ceprano of Summers and Summers in Boston, MA answer that question for us:

Conference with client, cover issues such as how to hold title (tenants in common, joint tenants, tenants by the entirety), information on type of property to be purchased (i.e., single family, condominium, multi-family), and financing issues.

Ø      Review offer to purchase

Ø      Negotiate and prepare purchase and sale agreement

Ø      Review condominium documents and financials.

Ø      Advice concerning financing and tailoring of purchase and sales terms to lender’s requirements

Ø      Review the results various inspections

Ø      Review title examination with bank’s attorney

Ø      Attend closing and review papers which buyer is required to sign

Ø      Set up escrows and special arrangements to correct title, complete construction or assure possession

Ø      Arrange title insurance protection for buyer against losses due to title defects, if desired

Ø      Transfer of security deposits and notices to tenants (if purchasing multi family house)

*We at Luxury Residential Group always recommend having the representation of an attorney when purchasing a property in Boston, MA. Please do no not try to make a go of it yourself.  You leave yourself open to too many risks. An attorney generally charges $1,250-$2,000($500-$750 to negotiate the P and S, and another $750 to $1,250 to handle the closing and make sure you have the proper title insurance.

Union Bar and Grille Restaurant – Brunch Review

January 2nd, 2010


As you can tell, we love our brunch at Luxury Residential Group. Today we had the opportunity to dine at Union Bar and Grille Restaurant (Not to be confused with Union Oyster House near Faneuil Hall) in Boston’s hot SOWA (South of Washington) area of the South End. The home of many new, trendy, high end Loft developments like Wilkes Passage, and Laconia Lofts.

Our experience was wonderful.  The decor was quite soothing, the Jazz music made for a chill, low key, laid back comfortable atmosphere and the food was delicious.  I had the special. French toast served Texas Style, filled with yummy melted chocolate, and finished off with powdered sugar sprinkled on top.  As if the chocolate filling was not enough, on the side came chocolate covered strawberries. It was de-lish.  My guest had the Goat Cheese and mushroom omlette which was good, but a little boring compared to the special. In the past, we have ordered the prix fixe brunch.  It includes a yummy piece of home made coffee cake, orange juice, coffee, and your choice of the chef’s special omlette of the day, salmon scrambled eggs w/homefries or their signature B-52 french toast all for $9.95. Without a doubt the best brunch value in the entire city for food of this quality. (Prix Fixe is only available Saturday 10am-3pm and Sunday 10am-11am).

We had no complaints about our experience at Union Bar and Grille. The staff was friendly, funny, and attentive.  The food was reasonably priced, prepared to order and absolutely delicious.  The coffee was strong and the orange juice was fresh squeezed. This has quickly become one of our favorite Saturday and Sunday “Comfort” brunch spots in Boston.

Union Bar and Grille is located at 1357 Washington St. in Boston, MA.  Please visit –>BRUNCH MENU<– to see their entire brunch selection.

Title Insurance – What does it cost and why do I need it?

December 31st, 2009

Written By Joshua A. Golden, Principal at Luxury Residential Group LLC

What is Title Insurance?

Title insurance is policy that covers homeowners and mortgage companies from unknown defects in the deed. It is the responsibility of your attorney to do a title search prior to closing. Unfortunately unforeseen circumstances come up.  Both buyers and lenders should have title insurance. The lenders policy only covers their portion of the mortgage.  If you pay cash, or put down a large amount at closing, you should have title insurance covering your portion of the value as well.

You might ask yourself, what does title insurance cover?

Title insurance covers many things, mostly unforeseen and for a large portion uncommon circumstances.  At a recent closing, the buyers attorney (Steven Ceprano of Summers and Summers in Boston) told us a story about something that happened to one of his clients:

A buyer moved forward with the purchase of a property. 1 year later a woman comes forward saying that she never authorized or intended to sell this property.  Her husband at the time forged her signature while she was out of the country and she was notifying the current owners that she was taking the property back.  She had a right to her home that was illegally sold.  Now, had the buyer NOT had title insurance, they would have been out of luck and would have had to go through a lengthy lawsuit to get their money back.  Since they did purchase the policy, the insurance company was responsible for paying them back the money they had put down on the home.  The buyer was free and clear but the insurance company had to go through the process of recouping their losses.

How often does a total loss like this happen? Almost never, but is it worth taking the risk?  We at Luxury Residential Group do not think so.

What is title insurance going to cost me?

Title insurance is something you pay once, at closing, and is usually $3.25-$4.00/$1,000 paid.  For example, if you buy a home or condo for $425,000, you should expect to pay between  $1,375 and $1,700.  Although a good amount of money, it pales in comparison to a $425,000 dollar loss and covers you for as long as you and your heirs own the property.

What you should take away and Luxury Residential Group‘s two cents:

Title defects occur quite often and are usually picked up by the title examiner, hired by your attorney, and paid for by you at the closing.  If a defect is found, it is the responsibility of the seller to take care of and have it removed from the title prior to closing. Unfortunately, a lot of buyers and sellers these days try to do things themselves(P&S, Closings, and filing of the deed) in order to save themselves money on closing costs and doing a thorough title search is overlooked or something that is unknown by the buyer.  Buyer BEWARE, if you do this, you run the risk of SIGNIFICANT losses.  You should ALWAYS hire a professional and experienced attorney.  If you do not, you might find yourself responsible for paying back former owners, lenders, painters, plumbers, gardeners and pretty much any other contractor you can think of who may have gotten burned by the previous owners.  You also run the risk of not only losing your property, but having to fight a lengthy court battle to get your funds back.

Featured Listing
Symphony Court 212 The Fenway Boston, $3,000
Symphony Court 212
The Fenway Boston, $3,000
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